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Customer Testimonials

I absolutely adore Thumbelina. The toys, outdoor space, activities, special projects, and especially the teachers make you want to be a kid again! I have never seen such adoring and fun teachers -- all of whom have been there for many years. Never a day goes by when I arrive to pick up my kids (at various times) and the teachers aren't fully involved and invested in the children. There is an incredible outdoor space with a huge play structure, all of which is shaded by an enormous oak tree. The kids bring home the most creative art projects (I'm running out of room!) and I'm astounded by how much they learn. My daughter (2.5) is potty trained and my son (5) can practically read, after just 6 months at Thumbelina!

Back in January, I had two weeks to find the kids a new school after I left my job. I was a wreck trying to find a place filled with as much learning and love as their last center. I thought I wanted a modern facility with organic food and an elaborate curriculum...yet when I toured those centers I was left unsure. The minute we walked through Thumbelina's door, I knew right away this would be their new home away from home. It is refreshingly authentic and lets kids be kids with just the right amount of discipline and play-based learning -- a true gem.

Thank you, Thumbelina, for saving the day!

Liza B- San Carlos

Both of my two boys went through the "Thumbelina-Program" and were well prepared to start Kindergarten and it showed! They absolutely loved the experience and still think of the awesome staff often and the new friends they made. We visit when we can and as they say in their own words "that's home away from home!"

Ed C- Redwood City

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